Project Clean Sweep: Leonids 1999

The society has come up with an idea to record the Leonids 1999 storm photographically. The project was baptized Project Clean Sweep thanks to the idea of Stephen Brincat .

The name comes from these three facts :

  1. We will be sweeping the heavens photographically
  2. We hopefully will sweep as much meteors as we can
  3. Meteors are dust…hence sweeping is suitable using cameras instead of brooms!

The aim of the project is to construct a large mosaic of the sky during the storm , thus putting smaller photos taken by individual cameras using a standard lens and other standards(eg. lens type and film used) , together into one big image of the sky.

Therefore we require volunteers who have an SLR camera and who would be observing the Leonids and interested in this project.

If you are interested please send Martin Galea De Giovanni an e-mail. Please include details about the camera and lenses that you have , and I am suggesting that we use Fuji 400 print film thus any other film suggestions will be considered.

As time is limited and the Leonids maximum is near I would like that you mail me back by Monday so that we could sort this out by Tuesday.

The photos will then be displayed in this website and the final photo mosaic will also be sent to IMO and NASA.