Launch of a new website for the ASM

From the press release (26.6.2007):

The Astronomical Society of Malta has launched its new website.

First and foremost, this new website aims to create a better link of communication with the general public. Secondly, it will serve as an online place where members of the society can display their astronomical observations some of which are of important scientific value.

Being the national astronomical organization for Malta, this website strives to be the main portal for news about astronomical events visible from the Maltese islands. This new website should be viewed as an ongoing project. As the site gradually develops, visitors will be able to find special resources to download. This especially applies for teachers and students.

The launching of this new site marks only the first step in establishing a platform on which more material will be built. The general public is also invited to participate by sending photos of any astronomical event. Such photos from the public will also be featured on this new website. Whilst the society hopes that people find the site interesting, as always it looks forward to meeting the public in its upcoming activities.

Screenshots of the website built using Adobe Flash