The October 2021 issue of the Society’s magazine The Big Bang has been published.
In this issue of The Big Bang:
Editor’s Brief
- Celestial ceiling of New York’s Grand Central Terminal
Feature Articles
- Betelgeuse’s mysterious dimming of last year explained – by Tony Tanti
- Astronomy in Dante’s La Divina Commedia – by Tony Tanti
Observers’ Logbook
- Eruption of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi
- Meet Maltese astronomers
Is-Sema fil-Poeżija: Poeżiji ta’ Noel Fabri
- Qamar imdawwal
- Il-kwiekeb donnhom qed iħarsu lejna
Sky Diary
- Venus at its best appearance for 2021
- Ceres passes by Aldebaran
Sky Agenda
- Autumn 2021
The Big Bang magazine is free when you join the Astronomical Society of Malta.