Annual General Meeting 2023

Each year the Astronomical Society of Malta hosts our Annual General meeting (AGM). This is an important event that establishes the society’s goals for the coming year. 

It is for this reason that everyone is invited to attend.

By attending the AGM, you are able to get a better look into the state of the society through a number of topics:

  1. Presentation of annual report.
  2. Financial update and report.
  3. Appointment of a new Committee – President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer (any other potential roles will be stated clearly during the meeting).

You are encouraged to attend this important event so that you may voice your opinion on various matters:

  • Vote in the election of the new Committee.
  • Suggest amendments to the Statute (
  • Speak about any topics you wish to be better addressed in the coming year.
  • Volunteer to become a Committee member.

The AGM will be hosted online via Google Meet on Friday, 3rd March 2022 at 7:00 pm. Details on how to join the event will be sent closer to the date.

The event is open to members only. No registration for the event is required.