The Astronomical Society of Malta (ASM) has become aware of media reports of a proposed project at Qammieħ by Ambjent Malta regarding an application with the Planning Authority bearing number PA/03122/23. The project, for which a permit has been issued, entails so-called “astronomy and night fauna stations” (as per PA/03122/23). The ASM was also mentioned in these reports as well as in the document submitted by Ambjent Malta (Doc 52b).
The ASM is happy to see interest in astronomy. It also welcomes and commends any investment by government in this field. In the past, it has also held meetings (with a separate ministry) in regard to potentially having a site from which to conduct its educational activities. However, the ASM clarifies that in this particular case, it was never consulted about this project or the site in question.
A principal concern of the ASM is the level of light pollution at this site, particularly the impact from badly-designed lighting at Ċirkewwa. This makes the prospect of astronomical observations from this site very difficult.
At present, the ASM is not in a position to endorse the project. The ASM learnt of this development from the media, and is seeking to obtain further details.